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M.A. Benitez-Castro
E. Hidalgo Tenorio,
""I Am Proud to be a Traitor": The emotion/opinion interplay in jihadist magazines", Pragmatics and Society, vol.13
, 501-531, 2022
M. Francisco, M.A. Benitez-Castro, E. Hidalgo Tenorio
J.L. Castro Peña,
"A Semi-Supervised Algorithm for Detecting Extremism Propaganda Diffusion on Social Media", Pragmatics and Society, vol.13
, 532-554, 2022
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"From our sisters/To our sisters: the construction of ideal womanhood in the propaganda magazines of the Islamic State", Pragmatics and Society, vol.13
, 453-476, 2022
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
J.L. Castro Peña,
"Transdisciplinary approaches to the discourse of Islamist extremism", Pragmatics and Society, vol.13
, 353-360, 2022
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
M.A. Benitez-Castro,
"Trump's populist discourse and affective politics, or on how to move `the People' through emotion", Globalisation, Societies and Education
, 1-24, 2022
C. Lozano, A. Díaz Negrillo
M. Callies,
"Designing and compiling a learner corpus of written and spoken narratives: COREFL", "What's in a Narrative? Variation in Story-Telling at the Interface between Language and Literacy ", 21-46, 2021
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"Islamophobia in Sri Lanka or the Sterilisation Obsession", "The Radical Right during Crisis (pp. 300-302). CARR Yearbook", 300-302, 2021
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"La ciudad como participante comunicativo: Un Análisis Crítico del Discurso del graffiti en Granada", "Paredes que Comunican. Las Pintadas como expresión Ciudadana ", 79-100, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024