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M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"El graffiti como motor del pensamiento crítico en lengua extranjera", "III International Conference New Trends in Foreign Language Teaching", None-None, 2021
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"El graffiti como motor del pensamiento crítico en lengua extranjera", "III International Conference New Trends in Foreign Language Teaching", None-None, 2021
J. Fernández Domínguez
"English verb-to-noun conversion and its role in nominal compounding", "Societas Linguistica Europaea 54th Annual Meeting", None-None, 2021
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"Good Muslims vs. Bad Muslims: the concept of kaffir, murtad, and taquiyya in the Islamic State", "Linguistic and Social Aspects of Hate Speech", None-None, 2021
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"Good Muslims vs. Bad Muslims: the concept of kaffir, murtad, and taquiyya in the Islamic State", "Linguistic and Social Aspects of Hate Speech", None-None, 2021
L. Bennett Ortega
M. Falces Sierra,
"In search for words and music: Stravinsky, Huxley, Auden and Dylan Thomas", "44th AEDEAN Conference", None-None, 2021
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
"Nutcracker: System for Detection, Tracking, Monitoring and Analysis of the Discourse of Terror on the Net", "I International Postgraduate Seminar in English Literature and Linguistics", None-None, 2021
M.A. Benitez-Castro
E. Hidalgo Tenorio,
"On coming to grips with the EMOTION/OPINION interplay in persuasive discourse through the lens of a redefined Appraisal scheme: Three case studies", "The 17th International Pragmatics Conference", None-None, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024