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A. Díaz Negrillo
M.C. Espínola-Rosillo,
"Referring expressions in written vs. spoken L1 Spanish-L2 English: Minimal and maximal marking in topiccontinuity contexts", "The Acquisition and Processing of Reference and Anaphora Resolution", None-None, 2021
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"The construction of negative stereotypes of Muslim women through memes", "#genderchallenge: exploring gender identities online", None-None, 2021
E.M. Gómez Jiménez
"The discourse of economic inequality and how I came across this topic", "Language Variation and Textual Categorisation Seminar", None-None, 2021
J. Montaño
A. Díaz Negrillo,
"The effect of medium on referring expression selection: A corpus-based study of advanced L1 Spanish-L2 English narratives", "APRAR. The Acquisition and Processing of Reference and Anaphora Resolution", None-None, 2021
C. Lara Clares
"The influence of mode on the distribution of potentially competing realizations in present-day English nominalisation", "CILG 2020 (XIV Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General)", None-None, 2021
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"The Semiotics of war: symbolic identity and visual legitimacy in the Irish Republican Army and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam", "44th Conference of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN)", None-None, 2021
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
M.A. Benitez-Castro,
"The Language of Evaluation in the Narratives by the Magdalene Laundries Survivors: The Discourse of Female Victimhood", Applied Linguistics, vol.42
, 315-341, 2021
E.M. Gómez Jiménez
"Urban Space in E. E. Cummings' Complete Poems, 1904-1962 and Peter Ackroyd¿s Hawksmoor", Spring
, -, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024