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E.M. Gómez Jiménez "Unconventional patterns in the experimental poetry of E. E. Cummings: a stylistic approach to punctuation marks¿. Forthcoming. ", "Language and Literature"
, vol.26, 191-212, 2017
S. Valera Hernández "Conversion and figurative extension of meaning", "SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics"
, vol.14, 2-17, 2017
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
F.J. Sánchez García,
"¿Por qué los debates políticos los ganan la mentira y la frialdad? El caso de España", "RIPS: Revista de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociológicas"
, vol.16, 41-64, 2017
E.M. Gómez Jiménez "'nearerandnearerandNEARER¿: Foregrounding effects of the unconventional capitalization in the experimental poetry of E. E. Cummings", "Journal of Literary Semantics"
, vol.46, 109-130, 2017
L.V. Bartley-
E. Hidalgo Tenorio,
""To Be Irish, Gay, and on the Outside": A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Other after the Celtic Tiger Period"
, vol.5, 1-36, 2016
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero "`Islamophobia no, Islamonausea¿: the many faces of cyber hate speech", "Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research"
, vol.9, 21-40, 2016
E. Hidalgo Tenorio ""Irish History is not a Closed Shop": A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ireland¿s Discourses of Otherness", "Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies"
, vol.16, i-vi, 2016
M.A. Benitez Castro "Evaluation and Attitude towards Homosexuality in the Irish Context: A Corpus-assisted Discourse Analysis of APPRAISAL Patterns in 2008 Newspaper Articles.", "Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies"
, vol.16, 1-20, 2016
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024