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J. Fernández Domínguez
"Conversion, compounding and their interaction within head nouns", "Word-Formation Theories VI & Typology and Universals in Word-Formation V", None-None, 2022
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
"The Magdalene Laundries: A Discourse Analysis of Terror and Abuse in Ireland", "VI Jornadas Estudios Irlandeses", None-None, 2022
J. Fernández Domínguez
"Noun compounds with converted heads: primary or synthetic?", "13th MediterraneanMorphology Meeting,", None-None, 2022
C. Lara Clares
"The competition between -er and zero-affixation for the expression of INSTRUMENT", "Word-Formation Theories IV & Typology and Universals in Word-Formation V", None-None, 2022
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
"Las Lavanderías de las Magdalenas: Análisis del Discurso del Horror y el Abuso en Irlanda", "I EDICIÓN INTERNACIONAL Lingüística, Terminología y sus Aplicaciones Traductológicas", None-None, 2022
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
"Systemic Functional Linguistics", "English Linguistics", None-None, 2022
C. Lara Clares
"Overt affixation vs. zero-derivation: the semantics of nominal competitors", "22nd International Conference of the Department of Linguistics: Synchronic, Diachronic and Typological Linguistics", None-None, 2022
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
"Nutcracker: A CDA Approach to the Discourse of Terror", "Valuation, Argumentation and Narrative(s) in Conflicting Contexts", None-None, 2022
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024