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A. Díaz Negrillo
"Derivational networks in Spanish", "Derivational networks across languages", 285-294, 2020
J. Fernández Domínguez, C. Lara Clares
A. Bagasheva,
"What paradigms and what for?", "Paradigmatic relations in word formation", 1-20, 2020
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"The Spanish Radical Right, COVID-19 and the socio-communism", "COVID-19 and the Radical Right ", 95-100, 2020
S. Valera Hernández
"Introduction", "Derivational Networks across Languages.", 1-26, 2020
M. Fuster-Márquez
J. Fernández Domínguez,
"Overused bundles in the written academic English of Spanish EFL students", "Corpus Analysis in Different Genres: Academic Discourse and Learner Corpora", 282-299, 2020
M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"In Sri Lanka, Cartoonists Take on the Government and the Alt-Right", "Mainstreaming the Global Radical Right ", 358-361, 2020
S. Valera Hernández
"Derivational networks in European languages: a cross-linguistic perspective", "Derivational Networks across Languages.", 486-680, 2020
J. Fernández Domínguez
"Onomasiological approach", "Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics", 1-29, 2019
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024