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M.D.C. Aguilera Carnerero
"The aesthetics of the far-right: VOX visual rhetoric strategies online", "Imaging Far-Right Environments: Visual Communication and the Politics of Nature", 83-103, 2023
R. Trnavac
E. Hidalgo Tenorio,
""Breach of pacta sunt servanda": The AUKUS agreement and evaluation in newspaper discourse", "IV International Conference on Corpus Linguistics", None-None, 2023
J. Morillas Arques
""Harold Seized his Harp and Tuned his Farewell": A Comparative Analysis of Lord Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (Canto I) and Berlioz's Harold en Italie (1st mov.)", "Repetition/Variation in Literature and Music", None-None, 2023
J. Morillas Arques
""My Story Still, Still my Music": Microstructural Analogies in Bernstein's and Auden's Age of Anxiety", "Repetition/Variation in Literature and Music", None-None, 2023
K.J. Patterson, M.A. Benitez-Castro
E. Hidalgo Tenorio,
""O women, give charity, for verily I was shown that you make up the majority of the people of Hellfire": Using Transitivity to explore the Islamic State through the lens of the female propagandist writer", "12 Internacional Corpus Linguistics Conference", None-None, 2023
M.A. Benitez-Castro, E. Hidalgo Tenorio, K.J. Patterson, M. Moyano-Pacheco
I. González,
""They were not radical, even when they committed that": A corpus-assisted CDA of feelings and attitudes towards the 17-A terrorist cell", "32 European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference", None-None, 2023
M. Falces Sierra
"'Listening to the winter wailing wind': Londres y la música inglesa de Isaac Albéniz. Historia de una amistad", "Londres y la música inglesa de Isaac Albéniz. Historia de una amistad", None-None, 2023
E. Hidalgo Tenorio
"Día Internacional de las Niñas, las Jóvenes y las Mujeres", "Día Internacional de las Niñas, las Jóvenes y las Mujeres", None-None, 2023
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024